Generative AI in Indonesia : How Garuda Indonesia is Revolutionising Air Travel with GenAI?
In this episode, Pak Syahmudrian Lubis, CEO, PT. Aero Systems Indonesia (Garuda Indonesia Group), the technology backbone of Garuda Indonesia shares how Gen AI is revolutionizing operations, enhancing customer satisfaction, and reshaping the future of air travel. Learn from the challenges and triumphs encountered while implementing AI solutions to seamlessly personalize the experience of flying with Garuda Indonesia
The AIBP ASEAN B2B growth podcast is a series of fireside chats with business leaders in Southeast Asia focused on growth in the region. topics discussed include business strategy, sales and marketing, enterprise technology and innovation.
Unknown:Greetings and welcome to the awesome b2b growth podcast. In today's episode, we shine a spotlight on generative AI in Indonesia. This series of conversations of Indonesian business leaders took place during the IBM consulting forum on the 29th of November 2023.
Irza, AIBP:Hello, today, we have with us Pak Ian Lubis, at this IBM consulting firm, pak pak Ian welcome, can you just quickly introduce yourself?
Syahmudrian Lubis, CEO, PT. Aero Systems:So basically, I'm the CEO of PT Aerosystems, Indonesia is, as the technology company of Garuda Indonesia and group, we are providing the solution and IT platform for our group, lean operation and customer satisfaction.
Irza, AIBP:Perfect. Pak Ian I'm sure you've been aware that you know, this big thing this year is around generative AI. So when it comes to your role at Aerosystems, or even within the Garuda group, what actually are you looking at when it comes to Gen AI.
Syahmudrian Lubis, CEO, PT. Aero Systems:So basically, what we are looking for is something that making our platform on providing our Garuda and group for better operations and customer satisfaction through AI. Basically, this is something that we are providing more efficiently on the technology in order to cut costs, and also making people operate their daily operations much more easier.
Irza, AIBP:And in terms of implementation, are there certain segments of the business where you think Gen AI really can help very quickly?
Syahmudrian Lubis, CEO, PT. Aero Systems:So yes currently, we are collaborating with IBM, in order for having the own channel ticketing for for, you know, we are having the solution in order for the passenger of Garuda Indonesia easier for them to purchase the ticket through our own channels.
Irza, AIBP:And in terms of how you work, you mentioned you work with IBM, in terms of how you work with external solution providers, what are the challenges you normally face when it comes to implementing these types of solutions?
Syahmudrian Lubis, CEO, PT. Aero Systems:Yes, implementing this solution is not easy. Because mostly it's about the behavior on people on their daily routine access to the and people don't like they don't like changes and all that stuff. Then on the other hand, we are revamping everything, including our website, mobile apps and everything in order to get better operation and also better access for the passenger at the end of the day for their customer satisfaction, customer journey. So, this is something that we are collaborating with with IBM.
Irza, AIBP:So when you work with an external provider in this case, they need to understand your business from effectively from start to end. Yeah. Okay. And in terms of effectively, where do you see you know, use cases of Gen AI develop in Indonesia or within Garuda as well over the next two
Syahmudrian Lubis, CEO, PT. Aero Systems:do you think this will go? So, this to three years, where is, this is actually the right timing after pandemic. So, a lot of people flying I mean, air traffic is going up. So, a lot of people is also gradually you know, access the ticket for the air ticket. So, the competition is not easy. So, we are making our passenger easier for them. And also we are providing the personalized offer to them in order for them just you know, getting the right ticket, the right destination, the right upgrade, and then also we are pushing the ancillaries for Garuda Indonesia including Citilink as well. He also this is actually the future of our implementation of AI collaborating with.
Irza, AIBP:Perfect Can you tell me as well you know, when you look at working with all the different technologies that are out there, how is it that you know yourself as well as the group at Garuda, how do they look at what kind of technologies to focus on?
Syahmudrian Lubis, CEO, PT. Aero Systems:So again, currently, we are having, for example, like four segments of the technology that we are focusing on of flight operation. And then we are also in flight services and then also customers journey for our passenger. And also our pushing the ancillary systems for making better services to our passenger. So those four items is something that we are focusing. So in order to get better service to, to our passenger, we need to also enhance the platform through the AI as well. Last time, when we are pushing the traditional approach, we are way behind of the competition. So at the moment, we are feeling that this is the right moment for us to push the technology through the AI. So we are adapting the AI technology into our platform. So you can see I think within six months from now, the improvement of the website and also mobile app from Garuda Indonesia. A lot difference.
Irza, AIBP:Perfect. I think you're a great spokesperson for for Indonesia as well because Garuda is after all the national carrier. It was nice speaking you to Pak Ian, thank you for joining us today.
Syahmudrian Lubis, CEO, PT. Aero Systems:Thank you very much, Pak
YY Fong:stay tuned for more insights on generative AI in Indonesia in the upcoming episodes.
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